Event Address:  212 N Progress Ave
Contact Gabe Gaskins or Fritz Cadet

Phone: 202-487-7409

Click Here to sign your child up for Enhance

Who are we?

We are a faith-based organization birthed out of The Greater Zion Missionary Baptist Church in Harrisburg, Pa. A diverse group of men who come together to commit our time, talent and treasure to help engage, encourage and enhance the lives of the young men in our church and community.  E.N.H.A.N.C.E. stands for Empowering Neighborhoods, Homes & Attitudes by Nurturing Character and Education. While we understand the importance of mentorship and building healthy relationships with all young people, this group is focused on young men between the ages of 6 and 12.

What do we do?

Mentoring is a proven strategy that can help young men of all circumstances achieve their God-given potential. We as Mentors are caring men in varying stages of adulthood who along with parents, guardians, teachers, coaches and the like provide these young men with guidance, support, and an improved self-efficacy with introspective and intentional examples of authentic and Godly manhood. We are very much aware that every child requires something different to help encourage them to accomplish amazing things. For this reason, we provide Traditional, Group, Team and Peer mentorship. We desire to maintain a consistent presence in the scholar’s (Mentee’s) life. Focus on their needs for fun, guidance, education, spiritual growth, social activity, and life skills. We are not substitutes for a healthy family structure, therefore, we desire to get to know the families of the young men we are working with. We also engage in 3 pre-scheduled community service events per active session period.

What do we believe?

We believe that Jesus is the most transformative figure to ever walk this earth.  We believe that Jesus Christ is God made flesh, fully God and fully man. We believe that God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit make one God in three persons. We believe the Bible is the inerrant and inspired word of God. We believe that Jesus is the Son of God. We believe in the fall of man and the redemption through Christ. We believe that Jesus Christ died for our sins and that He was buried in a grave and arose on the third day and now sits at the right hand of the Father.

We believe that a father is paramount in the life of every young man. Father’s contribute to so much of how young men see the world. It is from our father’s we learn how to treat and view women, raise families, discover strengths, handle weaknesses, gain identity and develop and master necessary life skills. We are aware of the disparaging amount of fatherless homes in our community and the void it has caused on many generations. We believe the first step in repairing a broken and burdened community is in repairing the broken and burden man. We aim to enhance these young men’s lives so that they would become the change that is so desperately needed. We are faith-based and have 7 pillars that accompany our Faith that we model and impress upon the scholars;  Respect, Brotherhood, Scholarship, Character, Integrity, Responsibility, and Compassion.