Deacon Yonda Spradley – Admin Director of Music & Media Ministries
(717)541-0388 ext 118


The Media Ministry provides operation and upkeep of Greater Zion’s audio and visual systems in the areas of audio taping and distribution, video and cameras, production, lighting and sound. The ministry gives behind-the-scenes support to services and church ministries such as Sunday Worship services, weddings and rehearsals, bible study, choir rehearsals, home-going services, conferences,  workshops, special presentations and much more.
Special announcement or event requests for media, sound and video production services are to be made through the Administrative Director for Music/Media at Ext. 118. Requests should be made with at least 14 days lead-time to ensure the availability of staff, equipment, and proper approvals.

Audio Distribution

The media ministry duplicates, packages, and distributes CD audio tapings to the Sick and Shut-in Ministry, Evangelism Ministry’s college student and visitor outreach, and to our New Life Greetings and Readings Bookstore to fill orders placed for worship services. Nursery and other behind-the-scene ministry workers, who are ministering outside of the sanctuary, receive complimentary tapings of worship and Bible study. The ministry also maintains archives.

Video, Camera and Media Production

Support is provided through design and production of live and computer-generated information projected on two video screens and is recorded. Playback of most DVD, DV and computer generated media is available.

Sound and Lighting

Experienced sound technicians operate and maintain a 40-channel soundboard, and 24/48 channel lighting board to provide sound to the main sanctuary, foyer, trustee room, nursery rooms, fellowship hall, and choir room. If you are skilled in this area, you can make a vital difference to help others hear the gospel by volunteering in this ministry.